TRANSLATION AGENCY over 20 years experience


over 20 years experience

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Publishing of new content

Writing articles on Lipsie professional translations

Insert an article about professional technical translation

inserisci articoli, proponi un articolo, inserire articoli, traduzioni, linguistica, filologia, storia lingue, traduttologia, traduzioni, traduzione

This section allows linguists who are experts in translations, translation concepts, philology, glottology and history of languages to propose unpublished texts on these topics. The proposed texts will not be published directly but subjected to verification; if they will be considered in phase with respect to the above-mentioned themes, they will be included on this website in a special section that is being set up.


Tips for writing and sending texts

  • Submission: The text to be published must not be attached, but inserted in the body of the e-mail
  • Topic: Indicate the general topic of the proposed article
  • Title: Descriptive, Clear and Simple - max 200 characters
  • Subtitle: Summary of the topics covered - max 350 characters
  • Item length: There are no limits in terms of length. We suggest dividing it into several paragraphs to make it easier to read and to put an introductory subtitle at the head of each block
  • Languages: Texts can be written in Italian - English - French
  • Author: Indicate name and surname and e-mail address of the author of the proposed article
  • html: html language is allowed – Enabled HTML tags: <b> <i> <a> <em> <br> <strong> <blockquote> <tt> <li> <ol> <ul>

NB: If your text is accepted, you will be contacted by e-mail within a week of its submission.